All ideas expressed here are my own and are not intended to represent— or misrepresent— any person or institution. They have emerged and been developed from many years of intense study and work within and around the art industry. I hope they bring something new to you and that you find them interesting and/or satisfying.
Sincerely, Erick Listman
“The Aesthetic Hypothesis,” by Clive Bell. A Short Response
“Great art remains stable and unobscured because the feelings that it awakens are independent of time and place...”
-Clive Bell
“Art as a Cultural System,” by Clifford Geertz. A Short Response
“Much of what we call ‘taste’ lies in the conformity between discriminations demanded by a painting and skills of discrimination possessed by the beholder.”
-Clifford Geertz
“The Aesthetic in Experience,” by John Dewey. A Short Response
Aesthetic experience occurs within the flux of life; in the breaking apart and reencountering of life; in the moment of passage from disturbance into harmony.
“Here’s Looking at You” Response
We are only intelligent apes who are trying to recognize their own reflection.
“The Human Face: Searching for Beauty.” A Response
…How do we quantify the beauty we find in somebody’s personality or in a smell?